DSC_0259, originally uploaded by kellydeene.skerrit.
Do not be deceived...this messed up 'wet look' roll was an intricate process of parting, spraying and fiddly positioning of slides! however this look is still entirely do'able by the average being but in a more toned down way for the day.
This is a diverse look as it can be worked both night/party (Wakeley catwalk) or for day wear .You might prefer to work this look with dry hair to tone it down for a day at the office.
So, first part the hair down the back to the bottom of the neck. Once this is achieved, begin twisting the hair from the top back of the head downwards. If your hair is long, when a twist has been done on each side of the head you tie the hair at the bottom (as illustrated) and then pin it up under the roll. If you have short hair you could pin the hair as it follows the roll.
Amanda Wakeley stylist's followed a side parted, voluminous look but if center is your thing than you can work with that too!
Easy peasey!!
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